Baba Ijesha also known as Olarenwaju James has been arrested for allegedly raping and molesting a 14 year old girl. The police PRO, Muyiwa Adejobi said as statement that the CCTV allegedly captured the 48 years old actor as he was about raping the victim at her house. The police also said he has raped her when she was 7years old and since then, they began to carry out their investigation. If the court finds him guilty, Olarenwaju James, may risk his life for life imprisonment as Nigerians are tightened for penalty for rape and violation of child rights. Yomi Fabiyi Calls For Calm: Actor Yomi Fabiyi who says he is a friend of the accused tells Nigerians to calm down as the court has not found Baba Ijesha guilty yet. At an interview with Goldmyne TV, Fabiyi said the accused told him that he dosen't have a lawyer as no artistes has even visited him. He then said, "he dosen't want to see people condemning anybody until he has gotten the oppo...